ISOVALERIC ACID is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class. Isovaleric acid is associated with abnormalities such as Infection, Lymphocele, Cyst, Abscess and Subgingival plaque. The involved functions are known as Biochemical Reaction, 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase activity, nitrate reductase activity, urease activity and colony morphology. Isovaleric acid often locates in Skeleton, Abdomen, Chromosomes, Tissue membrane and Microsomes. The associated genes with ISOVALERIC ACID are trypticase, Operon, KCNT1 gene, Genome and Reverse primer. The related lipids are Fatty Acids, Propionate, Fatty Acids, Unsaturated, Steroids and Promega. The related experimental models are Knock-out.

References related to functions published in Appl. Environ. Microbiol.

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