
7beta-Hydroxycholesterol is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. 7beta-hydroxycholesterol is associated with abnormalities such as Hyperglycemia, Atherosclerosis, Coronary heart disease, Coronary Stenosis and Unstable angina. The involved functions are known as DNA Fragmentation, Apoptosis, Cell Death, Stimulus and caspase activation. 7beta-hydroxycholesterol often locates in Tissue membrane and Frozen Sections. The associated genes with 7beta-Hydroxycholesterol are FGF6 gene. The related lipids are Hydroxycholesterols, Total cholesterol, Sterols, 7-ketocholesterol and Cholestenes.

References related to functions published in Biophys. J.

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
18390616Biophys. J.2008Kim DH and Frangos JAEffects of amyloid beta-peptides on the lysis tension of lipid bilayer vesicles containing oxysterols.