butyric acid

butyric acid is a lipid of Fatty Acyls (FA) class. Butyric acid is associated with abnormalities such as PARKINSON DISEASE, LATE-ONSET, Colitis, Autoimmune Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and PARAGANGLIOMAS 2. The involved functions are known as DNA Methylation, Transcription, Genetic, chromatin modification, Gene Expression and Gene Silencing. Butyric acid often locates in Membrane, Chromatin Structure, Chromosomes, viral nucleocapsid location and Ribosomes. The associated genes with butyric acid are Locus, Genes, Dominant, Genes, rRNA, Genome and Chromatin. The related lipids are Butyrates, butyrate, Promega, Butyric Acids and Butyric Acid.

References related to abnormalities published in Blood

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
2473801Blood1989Perrine SP et al.Sodium butyrate enhances fetal globin gene expression in erythroid progenitors of patients with Hb SS and beta thalassemia.
8422469Blood1993Blau CA et al.Fetal hemoglobin induction with butyric acid: efficacy and toxicity.
10648397Blood2000Smith RD et al.Quantitative PCR analysis of HbF inducers in primary human adult erythroid cells.
11071627Blood2000Reich S et al.Oral isobutyramide reduces transfusion requirements in some patients with homozygous beta-thalassemia.
11090069Blood2000Maeda T et al.Up-regulation of costimulatory/adhesion molecules by histone deacetylase inhibitors in acute myeloid leukemia cells.
10942396Blood2000Koyama Y et al.Histone deacetylase inhibitors suppress IL-2-mediated gene expression prior to induction of apoptosis.
10733512Blood2000Witt O et al.Butyrate-induced erythroid differentiation of human K562 leukemia cells involves inhibition of ERK and activation of p38 MAP kinase pathways.