Cucurbitacin B

Cucurbitacin b is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. Cucurbitacin b is associated with abnormalities such as Morphologically altered structure. The involved functions are known as Signal Transduction, Apoptosis, Cell Cycle Arrest, Cell Cycle and Negative Regulation of Mitosis. Cucurbitacin b often locates in Mediastinum and Pseudopodia. The associated genes with Cucurbitacin B are STAT5A gene, JAK2 gene, STAT3 gene, CDKN1A gene and BCL2L1 gene. The related experimental models are Xenograft Model.

References related to functions published in Cancer Prev Res (Phila)

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
25813524Cancer Prev Res (Phila)2015Shukla S et al.Cucurbitacin B Alters the Expression of Tumor-Related Genes by Epigenetic Modifications in NSCLC and Inhibits NNK-Induced Lung Tumorigenesis.