
apigenin is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Apigenin is associated with abnormalities such as Morphologically altered structure, Chimera disorder, Hypertensive disease, infection induced and Infection. The involved functions are known as inhibitors, Gene Expression, Process, Metabolic Inhibition and Cell Death. Apigenin often locates in Vacuole, Cytoplasmic matrix, Cytoplasm, Tissue membrane and Membrane. The associated genes with apigenin are MSMP gene, BCL2 gene, PTGS2 gene, Chromatin and SLC33A1 gene. The related lipids are Lipopolysaccharides, Steroids, 1-Butanol, agosterol A and Butyrates. The related experimental models are Mouse Model, Tissue Model, Knock-out, Xenograft Model and Disease model.

References related to genes published in Drug Metab. Dispos.

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
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14709621Drug Metab. Dispos.2004Gradolatto A et al.Metabolism of apigenin by rat liver phase I and phase ii enzymes and by isolated perfused rat liver.
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19074529Drug Metab. Dispos.2009Si D et al.Mechanism of CYP2C9 inhibition by flavones and flavonols.