STERIGMATOCYSTIN is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Sterigmatocystin is associated with abnormalities such as CLEFT LIP, CONGENITAL HEALED, Exanthema and Lung diseases. The involved functions are known as sterigmatocystin biosynthetic process, Signal, secondary metabolic process, Biosynthetic Pathways and Anabolism. Sterigmatocystin often locates in Genital system, SAGA complex, Chromosomes, germ tube and Extracellular. The associated genes with STERIGMATOCYSTIN are Genome, Genes, vif, Homologous Gene, Genes, Regulator and Gene Clusters. The related lipids are hexanoic acid, Fatty Acids and Fatty Acids, Unsaturated.

References related to lipids published in FEMS Microbiol. Lett.

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
9532734FEMS Microbiol. Lett.1998Woloshuk CP and Prieto RGenetic organization and function of the aflatoxin B1 biosynthetic genes.