
4-Cholesten-3-one is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. 4-cholesten-3-one is associated with abnormalities such as Dehydration, Xanthomatosis, Cerebrotendinous, Peripheral Neuropathy, L.mexicana and Xanthoma. The involved functions are known as CYP27A1activity, 25-hydroxycholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity, Biochemical Pathway, Anabolism and Oxidation. 4-cholesten-3-one often locates in Mitochondria, Liver, Body tissue, Hepatic, Mitochondria and Endothelium of artery. The associated genes with 4-Cholesten-3-one are P4HTM gene, tryptones and Regulon. The related lipids are Cholestenones, 7-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, cholest-4-en-3-one, 25-hydroxycholesterol and 24-hydroxycholesterol.

References related to lipids published in J. Biol. Chem.

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
15817448J. Biol. Chem.2005Caldinelli L et al.Dissecting the structural determinants of the stability of cholesterol oxidase containing covalently bound flavin.
25418128J. Biol. Chem.2015Lin CW et al.Substrate uptake and subcellular compartmentation of anoxic cholesterol catabolism in Sterolibacterium denitrificans.