Ganglioside GD1

Ganglioside GD1 is a lipid of Sphingolipids (SP) class. Ganglioside gd1 is associated with abnormalities such as Sensory neuropathy, Neuropathy, Neuritis, Motor, Autoimmune Syndrome Type II, Polyglandular and protrusion. The involved functions are known as Drug Interactions, inhibitors, Signal Transduction, Baresthesia and Biological function, NOS. Ganglioside gd1 often locates in Membrane, nucleocapsid location, Cell membrane, Cell surface and Face. The associated genes with Ganglioside GD1 are Polypeptides, N-dodecyl-L-lysine amide, anti-IgM, VIP gene and Homologous Gene. The related lipids are sialogangliosides, ganglioside, GD1b, GT1b-ganglioside, ganglioside, GD1a and IV(4)-galactosyl-N-acetylganglioside GD1a.

References related to genes published in J. Cell Biol.

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
9585411J. Cell Biol.1998Wolf AA et al.Ganglioside structure dictates signal transduction by cholera toxin and association with caveolae-like membrane domains in polarized epithelia.