
20-hydroxyecdysone is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. 20-hydroxyecdysone is associated with abnormalities such as Congenital Abnormality, Obesity, Diabetes, Varicosity and Gilbert Disease. The involved functions are known as Binding (Molecular Function), Anabolism, Embryonic Development, Signal Transduction and Transcriptional Activation. 20-hydroxyecdysone often locates in Epidermis, Epithelium, Body tissue, Head and Blood. The associated genes with 20-hydroxyecdysone are GBGT1 gene, Homologous Gene, Genome, MMRN1 gene and Orthologous Gene. The related lipids are Steroids, muristerone, makisterone, Sterols and Liposomes.

References related to locations published in J. Exp. Biol.

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