
Phylloquinone is a lipid of Prenol Lipids (PR) class. Phylloquinone is associated with abnormalities such as Vitamin K Deficiency, Malnutrition, Consumption-archaic term for TB, Osteoporosis and Hyperostosis, Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal. The involved functions are known as Ingestion, Blood Circulation, Genetic Polymorphism, Intestinal Absorption and Process. Phylloquinone often locates in Blood, Body tissue, Hepatic, Membrane and Entire bony skeleton. The associated genes with phylloquinone are Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex, Subunit 1, GGCX gene, CYP4F2 gene, Alleles and APOE gene. The related lipids are Micelles, 208-G, Fatty Acids, Total cholesterol and Sphingolipids. The related experimental models are Knock-out.

References related to abnormalities published in Others

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