
Wogonin is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Wogonin is associated with abnormalities such as Hyperlipidemia, Atherosclerosis, Inflammatory disorder, Dermatitis, Atopic and Ischemia. The involved functions are known as Inflammation, Regulation, luciferase activity, store-operated calcium entry and Transcriptional Activation. Wogonin often locates in Cytoplasmic matrix, Pore, Membrane, Protoplasm and Mitochondria. The associated genes with Wogonin are SGK1 gene, ORAI1 gene, STIM1 gene, P4HTM gene and BCL2 gene.

References related to functions published in Others

PMIDJournalPublished DateAuthorTitle
19074529Drug Metab. Dispos.2009Si D et al.Mechanism of CYP2C9 inhibition by flavones and flavonols.
17475241Eur. J. Pharmacol.2007Chang WT et al.Comparative effects of flavonoids on oxidant scavenging and ischemia-reperfusion injury in cardiomyocytes.