Tauroursodeoxycholic acid

Tauroursodeoxycholic acid is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid is associated with abnormalities such as Hyperglycemia, Obesity, Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome, neurogenic hypertension and Cholestatic liver disease. The involved functions are known as Cell Death, Apoptosis, Homeostasis, Process and mRNA Expression. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid often locates in Body tissue, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Hepatic, Blood and Protoplasm. The associated genes with Tauroursodeoxycholic acid are Homologous Gene and Mutant Proteins. The related lipids are cholanic acid, taurolithocholic acid 3-sulfate, Sterols, 7-dehydrocholesterol and tauromuricholic acid. The related experimental models are Disease model.

References related to functions published in Others

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