
NSC5548 is a lipid of Polyketides (PK) class. Nsc5548 is associated with abnormalities such as Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulin-Dependent, Hyperglycemia, Coronary Arteriosclerosis, Liver diseases and Pulmonary Edema. The involved functions are known as Increased Sensitivy, Taste Perception, Cell Death, Phosphorylation and Signal Transduction. Nsc5548 often locates in Oral region, Cytoskeleton, Hepatic, Blood and Mouse Bone Marrow. The associated genes with NSC5548 are CA2 gene, P4HTM gene, FPGT gene, glycyl-L-phenylalanine and glycylphenylalanine. The related lipids are butyrate, Lipid Peroxides, blood lipid, Sterols and Total cholesterol.

References related to genes published in Others

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