Prasterone sulfate

Prasterone sulfate is a lipid of Sterol Lipids (ST) class. Prasterone sulfate is associated with abnormalities such as Cardiovascular Diseases, HIV Infections, Tuberculosis, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Infection. The involved functions are known as Crossbreeding, Analyte, Process, Adjudication and Protective Agents. Prasterone sulfate often locates in Back, Blood, Adipose tissue, Body tissue and Immune system. The associated genes with Prasterone sulfate are FASTK Gene, SHBG gene, Serum Albumin, Alleles and prolyl-proline. The related lipids are Steroids, Total cholesterol, steroid sulfate, estradiol 17-sulfate and 16-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. The related experimental models are Knock-out.

References related to lipids published in Others

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